Frequently Asked
Please see below more information on some of the frequently asked questions for the Liverpool Christmas Market. This event is made up of independent traders, so if your question is about an individual product, food, drink or activity, please contact them directly via their facebook, instagram or websites.

Saturday 16th of November to 24th of December 2024
Open Daily from 11am - 10pm (except on the 24th when the market closes at 5pm)
Opening Dates & Times
Liverpool Christmas Market is FREE to enter, with a variety of stalls, games and rides which can be purchased at the discretion of visitors.
Event Costs
Liverpool Christmas Market is mainly cashless. Our bars and attractions accept the following payment methods:
Visa Electrons
Visa Vpay
Apple / Google Pay
The payment methods used within the market are at each individual trader’s discretion so it may not match the list above.
Payment Methods
For all press and media inquiries regarding Liverpool Christmas Market, please contact Clarke Events via their contact us page. This includes collaborations, media inquiries, quotes, and any opportunities in relation to Liverpool Christmas Market. Photography and filming on site at Liverpool Christmas Market is allowed for personal use only. Commercial or editorial photography or filming accreditation requests should be made directly with Clarke Events in advance of arriving.
If filming or non personal photography is carried out without a permit/ public liability insurance, public notices of filming and relevant H&S accreditation, our security and management team may request that this is completed before continuing with any filming or photography on site for commercial or editorial purposes. We also reserve the right to decline accreditation and ask that you dispose of your video or photos taken without permission.
Press, Photography & Filming
We encourage you to leave your furry friends at home, Liverpool Christmas Market can get very busy and isn’t the best environment for them. However, they are welcome in any outside area. Assistance Dogs are welcome in any of our venues. We kindly ask that dogs are kept on their leads at all times and any fouling is cleaned up and disposed of in the appropriate fouling bins.
If you have lost a belonging at Liverpool Christmas Market, we can’t guarantee its return, unless it has been handed into a member of staff. If you have misplaced one of your items either ask a member of staff on site or send an email with date, description and contact info.
Lost Property
We have first aid medical facilities onsite. If you are in need of urgent medical attention then please contact any member of staff. Unfortunately we cannot store medicines onsite for customers.
Medical Facilities
There is 24 hour security on site - if you need any assistance please find a security guard
The site is monitored by CCTV
We have daily visits from Police
We have medics on site if you need any assistance